PowerShell – Case-insensitive String Replacement

The problem: Replace “a” with “b” case-insensitively

You have a simple string and you want to replace all “a” with “b” in a case-insensitive manner.

First attempt (fail):

PS C:\Windows\system32> [string] $someString = ‘aAaAaAaA’
$SomeString.Replace(‘a’, ‘b’)

What happened?
The [string].Replace() method is case-sensitive

Second attempt (looks like it works but not quite):

PS C:\Windows\system32> [string] $someString = ‘aAaAaAaA’
PS C:\Windows\system32> $someString -Replace ‘a’, ‘b’

What happened?
The PowerShell native -Replace seems works better and is case-insensitive by default.

Third attempt (fails):

PS C:\Windows\system32>
#Repace “c:\temp” with “c:\NewLocation”
$someString = ‘c:\temp\sometempfile.csv’
$replaceThis = ‘c:\temp’
$replaceWith = ‘c:\newlocation’
$someString -Replace $replaceThis, $replaceWith

What happened?
The PowerShell native -Replace works based on Regular Expressions and slashes have special meaning. So, our string did not get replaced as we intended. Notice that the result did not have “c:\temp” replaced with “c:\NewLocation”.

Fourth attempt (works!):

PS C:\Windows\system32>
#Repace “c:\temp” with “c:\NewLocation”
$someString = ‘c:\temp\sometempfile.csv’
$replaceThis = ‘c:\temp’
$replaceWith = ‘c:\newlocation’

     $someString, `
     [regex]::Escape($replaceThis), `
     $replaceWith, `


There you have it!

We are simply escaping the string we are trying to replace from special Regular Expression interpretation and use the IgnoreCase option.

You could do this in a case-sensitive manner if you want. Here are the additional options available to you:


8 thoughts on “PowerShell – Case-insensitive String Replacement

    1. I think I just inversed the colors of ISE screenshot. If not, it is probably from Visual Studio Code. Those are the only two editors I use.

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